My Journey

In June 2015 my husband and I travelled over to Providence, Rhode Island to attend the 21st Certified Zentangle Training Seminar where we both became what we now all affectionately call ourselves – CZT’s. We were the first and only Queensland representatives at the time to have achieved this honour and we continue to teach both live and on-line classes to the growing Zentangle community around Australia and NZ.

In both 2016 and 2018 we travelled back to Rhode Island to attend the first two zenAgain seminars to further our education and nurture our Zentangle family. Since then, I have gone on to mentor 23 new Australian and NZ CZT’s who were given the extraordinary opportunity, due to Covid, of earning their accreditation via live on-line Zoom sessions which ran through the wee small hours due to the time zone difference. We proudly helped our daughter Tegan Nieslen to become a CZT at the on-line seminar #36 in 2020 and she too has joined us in our venture to nurture the locals as well as on-line budding artists.

We now have about 50 accredited CZT’s around the country and to find your closest teacher go to Certified Zentangle Teachers – Zentangle and drop them a line so you can start on this wonderful word of discovering your hidden artistic abilities.